Mycoremediation Projects
Mycoremediation is a method of using fungi to break down toxins from the environment. Fungi are versatile in their ability to disassemble different chemicals but also to adapt to new ones.
We are currently seeking sponsorship to undertake research into mycoremediation methods that can be applicable for contaminated land and waterways. If you are interested in learning more, or interested in collaborating, please get in touch.
Family of Forest & Fungi - He Tukutuku Toiora
Shrooming the Land
Research has shown the effectiveness of certain fungi to break down common pollutants such as agro- and petrochemicals, as well as neutralising biological contaminants.
Fungi are the grand recyclers of our planet, the mycomagicians disassembling large organic molecules into simpler form, which in turn nourish other members of the ecological community. Fungi are the interface organisms between life and death.
- Paul Stamets, American mycologist
Mycoremediaton Services
Get in touch find out more about our mycoremediaton services.